• 10821 Capital Street Oak Park, MI 48237

Infrared Scan

Need to see where the water is coming from behind the wall? Infrared Scanning helps us understand what is going in areas we cannot see or access. Ever complain that the roof only leaks when it rains a certain way? Simulation tests allow us to duplicate weather conditions to determine the source of a problem.

Infrared heatcamera

Infrared technology is used by Bruttell to detect moisture through temperature differentials across virtually every type of roof surface. It can often be used to discover many other entry points, such as windows and siding. Infrared is a non-destructive testing method and can quickly identify large areas of saturation with an immediate thermographic image. Here are some of the benefits of using infrared thermal scans on a roofing system:

-Detect roof leaks on flat roof buildings, plants, and facilities
-Identify water damaged portions of a roof quickly and accurately
-Target problem areas for effective repair. (This eliminates unnecessary replacement of good roofing and creates money saving options)
-Identify sound roof sections for conservation
-Plan accurate budgets based on facts
-Infrared is also a GREENER solution

Thermal imaging roof scan inspections can pinpoint areas of moisture intrusion and target those areas needing repair or upgrade. We combine the infrared scan with our decades of moisture detection experience to protect your roof from costly premature roof replacement and save what you have already paid for.

Innovative Roofing Series, Part 2 – Infrared Scan

Infrared scanning provides Bruttell Roofing with a technology that allows us to see moisture within a roof. Water retains heat much longer than air and we are able to see that moisture after a full days worth of sun. We take our thermal images after the sun has set because the cool night air will cool all the dry areas much faster than the wet. We now have a visual image of where these wet places are. This type of technology saves our property managers, building owners, and facility managers thousands of dollars on unnecessary replacement.